Welcome to Arts & Sciences No. 792


Welcome to the website of Arts & Sciences Lodge No. 792. Our Lodge was constituted by the Grand Lodge of Ohio on October 30, 2010, marking the culmination of a three year effort to create a lodge that offered its members and visitors an opportunity to enjoy the full measure of what Freemasonry has to offer by way of tradition, education, and personal improvement.

Arts & Sciences Lodge meets monthly on the third and fifth Thursdays at Avery Masonic Hall, 3980 Main Street, Hilliard, Ohio.  Members and visitors dine together at 6:00 p.m. on the second floor of the Old Bag of Nails restaurant in Hilliard, and the Lodge opens at 7:30 p.m.

Each meeting features a discussion of some Masonic topic in addition to degree work or short administrative business (if any).

Masonic visitors are always welcome! If you are a Freemason and would like to visit, contact the Secretary so that he can share the evening's agenda with you.

Please enter the email address associated with your User account. Your username will be emailed to the email address on file.



The stated meeting of Arts & Sciences Lodge will be held on Thursday, December 19, 2024 at 7:30pm at the lodge meeting hall in Hilliard.  Dinner will precede the meeting at 6pm at Old Bag of Nails.  The main topic of discussion will be planning for the 2025 Masonic year.

Upon your conscience and honor, fail not!


Bro. Ken Cohen Senior Warden

By order of  Bro. Michael Threloff

Worshipful Master                      

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